Batman decides that in order to get Amina Franklin to discuss what she knows that its best to talk to her as Bruce Wayne, and he does just that in getting the good doctor to safety in his Gotham City penthouse. Amina Franklin reveals to Bruce that her brother Wayne Franklin is not dead and that that he is Grotesk. Breaking up this personal confession, Grotesk attacks the penthouse and makes off with Amina in the confusion and takes her to his laboratory. The Dark Knight tracks him down only to finally chase down Grotesk after the latter killed Amina with a hot dose needle. The final battle commences atop the stolen Star of Gotham in Wayne Franklin's attempt to make a bid for freedom on the other shore of Gotham's East River. In losing the fight, Grotesk also loses his overambitious struggle when the icy waters of the river swallow him up.
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