The issue picks up the night after issue #588. Batman and Nightwing are checking the Gotham clubs looking for Matches Malone. Nightwing asks Batman how it was possible that Matches has been shot, because he was an alias of Batman. Batman tells Nightwing the story: when Bruce was starting out as Batman he was trying various aliases but whenever he tried a new one people got suspicious. Eventually he came across a criminal named Matches Malone who was doing an arson job with his brother. Batman foils the job and Matches' brother was killed a few days later. It was meant to look like a robbery gone wrong but Batman didn't think so. He began watching Matches closely. Eventually there was a fire in Matches apartment, and inside a burned body. He though Malone was dead so he started using his name as an alias. After telling Nightwing this, they find Matches at the bar where he was shot. There Matches tells them what happened. It turns out that during one of the Malones arsons they killed somebody, and because of his consience, Matches brother killed himself and Matches made it look like a murder. He than took the body and put it in his apartment and burned it down. He left Gotham and started a new life. He returned to Gotham to see why there was a bounty on his head, and Scareface found him and shot him. He doesn't thing he has long to live so he asks Batman to bury him next to his brother, and to kill the guy that got him. Batman promises he will and Batman leaves with Matches, and Nightwing following him. Continues in Batman #590.
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