Three cops relate three tales of the Dark Knight, revealing different facets of Batman's character.
Three cops get together to talk about Batman. One of them tells how Batman saved a drug addict who attempts suicide. While saving the young man from jumping off a bridge, Batman demands he clean up his life. The other, a SWAT team member, tells how Batman stopped a hostage situation involving a gang. With Batarangs thrown and gang member's limbs broken, the gang leader holds a gun to the head of an elderly woman. When the gang leader threatens the woman's life, Batman retorts, "... And I swear that if you harm that woman at all, I'll make you pay! I will break and twist things within you. You can't conceive of the pain I can cause. It's Pain that will go on forever! You won't escape it... because I won't let you die!" before throwing the addled gang member out the window. The third cop however tells about how he and Batman met two orphans and how they helped them get through their dilemma and return them to their relatives in Florida. The SWAT officer doesn't believe him but we are shown a scene with the orphans in the care of Bruce Wayne and Alfred wherein Alfred questions if the Dark Knight is going soft. Bruce tells him that it may be true, but only he would be allowed to see it.
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