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The Secret Life Of The Catwoman!

1. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE CATWOMAN: (Batman) a new crime boss called Mr. X breaks Catwoman out of prison believing she can pull off the jobs he wants to do without killing anyone. she agrees to work with him but on her way to recon the first job she is spotted by Batman who chases her. she sees that the wall of a condemned building is coming down and Batman will be crushed so she turns around to save him but a brick hits her head.she is taken to the Batcave where she wakes confused and we learn that Salina Kyle was a stewardess on a plane that was crashing when she fell out and hit her head on a branch. this gave her amnesia but for some reason, she still remembered everything she had learned about cats from her dad who owned a pet store, and so Catwoman was born. the blow from the brick restored her old memories and she was horrified by what she had done. to atone for her crimes she agrees to go undercover to bring in Mr. X.the story ends with Selina saying "the Catwoman has retired" and Batman responding "somehow I think the law will again need the services of Catwoman--police operative...and it may be sooner than you think!"2. THE BATMAN OF ENGLAND: (Batman: note, this is the first appearance of Knight and Squire who would go on to be part of the Batmen of all nations and Batman inc) in the small village of Wordenshire England the earl and his son are inspired by Batman and Robin, studying them to become the Knight and the Squire, who fight what crime there is in the area.meanwhile, back in Gotham, the dynamic duo are told that a mob boss they have been after named Matt Thorne has gone to England in search of gold buried by Nazi spies during the war. the trail leads to Wordenshire where Thorne's man causes a distraction so he can loot the constable's records but Batman and Robin show up just in time to catch him in the act. during the fight Knight and Squire show up and in the confusion, Thorne gets away.Knight and Squire explain who they are and it's decided the crimefighting duos will swap partners for this case so the local heroes can learn from the caped crusaders. Knight remembers the spies were caught near Stonehenge so Batman and Squire go to check there while Knight and Robin patrol the roads in the area for Thorne's Stonehenge Thorne finds a clue pointing to the English Historical Museum but they are still there when Batman and Squire show up. Squire rushes in, getting himself caught and forcing Batman to let the crooks get away. Batman radios Robin so he and Knight are waiting at the museum when Thorne gets there. they get the jump on Thorne but he pulls a power cord from a lamp and uses it to electrify Knight's metal suit, escaping while Robin saves him.they find the clue leading to Wordenshire Castel, Knight's home. our four heroes rush back to the castle to find Thorne and one of his men already digging the gold up in the crypt. Batman lets Knight and Squire finish things themselves and they catch Thorne and his man but having seen extra warhorse motorcycles in the crypt they figure out the Earl and his son are Knight and Squire. when he is turned over to the cops Thorne tries to reveal their identities but Batman and Robin disguise themselves as the Earl and his son to discredit that.3. JERRY THE JITTERBUG: (humor strip) Jerry's mom insists he does the dishes before meeting his friends so he rushes to finish but his friends laugh when he shows up and takes his cote off revealing he forgot to take the apron off.4. EARLY AMERICAN FLAGS: (text story)5. CASEY THE COP: (humor strip) Casey is told they will be raiding one of the swankiest clubs in town so he asks to be excused and returns in a tuxedo.6. THE MYSTERY OF MILLIONAIRE ISLAND: (Batman) Bruce gets an odd invitation to see the house of tomorrow, it is unsigned and doesn't say where the house is, just to be at pier 4 at 8pm the next night. curious, Wayne shows up to find 5 other guests, all millionaires and they board a remote controlled boat to an unknown island. when they get to the house they are directed to the dining room where their places are marked by small models of the product they are best known for. Bruce is on the board of united chemicals so his is a chemist's retort. soon an intercom tells them that each of them has an industrial secret and they will only be allowed to leave the island alive if they reveal it.7. LITTLE PETE: (humor strip) Pete's mom tells him dinner is over, go up and get ready for bed. he does then before bed he comes back down and hands his dad his report card to sign. dad asks why he didn't give this to him before supper and Pete answers "what? and get sent to bed without supper?" as he has 2 Ds and 2 Fs.


Vol. 3

In this daring reinvention of "The Greatest Robot on Earth" story arc from Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy series, the world is a place where humans and robots coexist. The lives of the seven great robots of the world--Atom, Mont Blanc, North No. 2, Brando, Hercules, Epsilon and Gesicht--are turned upside down into a virtual garden of terror filled with carnage and destruction. A killer is after them, but what exactly is his motive? The story intensifies when Pluto, the namesake of the lord of the underworld, makes his appearance in this finely crafted work of science fiction and suspense.Chapter TitlesAct 16: UranAct 17: Death to Machines!!Act 18: ZeroniumAct 19: EpsilonAct 20: Robot HatersAct 21: Uran's SearchAct 22: PlutoAct 23: Wandering Soul


Vol. 4

The seven great robots of the world are being destroyed one after the other, and the former members of the politically charged Bora Survey Group are also being targeted. Could Professor Tenma, the man who created the Japanese boy robot Atom, hold the key to finding the killer and his motive? The latest developments in the investigation send shock waves throughout the world in this masterful work of science fiction and suspense.Chapter TitlesAct 24: The Professor's Day OffAct 25: A Fine Day For A TornadoAct 26: The ConfrontationAct 27: A Different DreamAct 28: Emergency CallAct 29: Whispering ShadowsAct 30: Three Scientists At KimberleyAct 31: The Greatest Robot On Earth


Angel of Protest

Alita stages a unique protest to save children from becoming cannon fodder, joins forces with some unlikely allies to compete in a sporting event whose promoters have ulterior motives, and, well...dies!In order to save a group of orphans, Alita must fight in a grand fighting tournament whose purpose is not what it seems.

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