Other issues:
Shinmen Takezo is destined to become the legendary sword-saint, Miyamoto Musashi--perhaps the most renowned samurai of all time. For now, Takezo is a cold-hearted killer, who will take on anyone in mortal combat to make a name for himself. This is the journey of a wild young brute who strives to reach enlightenment by way of the sword--fighting to the brink of death.
Chapter Titles
- Chapter 022. "Miyamoto Musashi" (宮本武蔵)
- Chapter 023. "First Step" (田舎者の一歩)
- Chapter 024. "The Challenge" (挑戦)
- Chapter 025. "Chaos at the Yoshioka School" (吉岡騒然)
- Chapter 026. "The Master" (当主)
- Chapter 027. "Instinct" (本能)
- Chapter 028. "Demon II" (悪鬼2)
- Chapter 029. "Ignorance" (世間知らず)
- Chapter 030. "A Single Stroke" (一の太刀)
- Chapter 031. "Inferno" (業火)