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Kojiro is invincible under the sun! Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well known duel in the annals of Japanese history. While Musashi is an untamed beast driven by pure instinct, Kojiro is an icy cold-blooded killer. Blood and carnage abound when these two young men have a chance encounter at the Battle of Sekigahara.
Chapter Titles
- Chapter 158. "Muso Gonnosuke" (夢想権之助)
- Chapter 159. "The Stage" (舞台)
- Chapter 160. "Battlefield" (戦場)
- Chapter 161. "Those Who Defy Death" (死を賭した者)
- Chapter 162. "Rampage of the Beast" (獣乱舞)
- Chapter 163. "Six O'Clock at Sekigahara" (関ヶ原午後六時)
- Chapter 164. "Refugee Hunters" (落武者狩り)