Other issues:
Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well-known duel in the annals of Japanese history. This volume further explores the background of the abandoned deaf orphan Kojiro as he comes of age and develops into a bloodthirsty swordsman with sublime skills.
Chapter Titles
- Chapter 144. "Master and Pupil" (師弟)
- Chapter 145. "The Fifth Year of Keicho (1600 C.E.)" (慶長五年)
- Chapter 146. "Senior Disciple" (兄弟子)
- Chapter 147. "Jisai's Cocoon" (自斎の繭)
- Chapter 148. "Tiger" (虎)
- Chapter 149. "Blood Bath" (狂宴)
- Chapter 150. "Mad Tiger" (狂虎)