Other issues:
Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well-known duel in the annals of Japanese history. In the aftermath of the Battle of Sekigahara, Kojiro comes face to face with emotions previously unknown to him--fear and desperation. Far from being daunted, Kojiro embraces these feelings and allows them to shape him into what may be the ultimate swordsman.
Chapter Titles
- Chapter 172. "Sons" (息子)
- Chapter 173. "The Desire to Fight" (斬り合いたい)
- Chapter 174. "Ichizo" (市三)
- Chapter 175. "Younger Brother" (弟)
- Chapter 176. "Open Mind" (虚心)
- Chapter 177. "Koun and Kojiro" (巨雲と小次郎)
- Chapter 178. "Koun and Kojiro II" (巨雲と小次郎2)
- Chapter 179. "Koun and Kojiro III" (巨雲と小次郎3)