Other issues:
Sasaki Kojiro, renowned for his deadly "swallow-cut," is the man destined to be sword-saint Miyamoto Musashi's greatest rival and opponent in the most well-known duel in the annals of Japanese history. But for now, Kojiro has been abandoned by his brutal master Ito Ittosai, and must contend with the vicious refugee hunters and ruthless scavengers that abound in the aftermath of the Battle of Sekigahara.
Chapter Titles
- Chapter 165. "Death Torches" (鬼火)
- Chapter 166. "First Friend" (初めての友だち)
- Chapter 167. "Mountain of Shattered Dreams" (夢散る山)
- Chapter 168. "Over the Mountain" (この山の向こう)
- Chapter 169. "The Distant Ocean" (遠き海)
- Chapter 170. "Strands of the Departed" (遺髪)
- Chapter 171. "The Sword" (刀)