Other issues:
Miyamoto Musashi is a man destined to be revered as a sword-saint and one of Japan's most celebrated samurai. But Musashi wasn't always an enlightened warrior-philosopher--for the path to greatness is filled with adversity and perilous danger. In this volume Musashi seeks out Shishido Baiken, a master of the deadly sickle and chain. Will Musashi's sword be able to stand true against this most unusual of weapons?
Chapter Titles
- Chapter 108. "Summit" (てっぺん)
- Chapter 109. "Sea of Clouds" (雲海)
- Chapter 110. "Uncle Gon" (権叔父)
- Chapter 111. "Lowlife" (下衆と呼ばれて)
- Chapter 112. "Mother" (おふくろ)
- Chapter 113. "Osugi's Ordeal" (婆受難)
- Chapter 114. "He and I" (彼我)
- Chapter 115. "Apparition" (亡霊)
- Chapter 116. "Baiken" (梅軒)
- Chapter 117. "Chain and Sickle" (鎖鎌)