Other issues:
Foggy Nelson, District Attorney! Foggy wins the position of D.A. in a “landslide election”, leading to much upheaval at Nelson & Murdock. Karen Page returns to the law office, in part to rekindle her romance with Matt. But what does the villainous Stilt-Man have to do with the new D.A.?
Farewell To Foggy!
Daredevil scouts the city at night and overhears a group of criminals talking about how they hired Stilt-Man to assassinate Foggy Nelson so he won't interfere with their business once he becomes D.A. Naturally the Man Without Fear leaps into action to find out when the hit will take place. Daredevil manages to get the information out of the crooks before they escape. The attempt on Foggy's life will be on the same night at the offices of Nelson & Murdock. DD decides to get everyone out of the office and ambush Stilt-Man when he arrives. When Matt Murdock arrives at the office, the scent of a familiar perfume greets him as Karen Page has been waiting for him. Of course Matt pretends not to have noticed her until she speaks to him. Karen says she couldn't stay away from Matt any longer and he immediately plants a kiss on her lips. Foggy tells the love birds there'll be time for that later as they need to work through the night on his campaign speeches. However Matt tells his partner that he needs the office for some personal work instead! This infuriates Foggy who can't believe his friend is behaving this way. Karen is also disappointed and feels she may have been wrong to forgive Matt. Nonetheless with his partners life at risk Matt insists he needs the office to himself all night.
Later that night, Daredevil waits in the office by himself and feels terrible about his action but also feels he had no choice. While DD is lost in his thought, he senses Stilt-Man approaching the window behind him. The armoured villain breaks in and is startled to see his old adversary waiting for him. DD says one of the gangsters that hired Stilt-Man snitched, hoping it throws of the connection to Matt Murdock. A fight begins inside the office and neither duellist can gain the upper hand until Stilt-Man extends one of his hydraulic legs and knocks Daredevil out of the window. DD saves himself by attaching his Billy club to a flagpole and uses the momentum to swing at his foe. The fight continues on the streets until the police arrive and Stilt-Man decides he’s not getting paid enough to deal with the cops as well and makes his getaway by breaking into another building. Daredevil tries to follw but unfortunately for the Scarlet Swashbuckler the building happens to be a perfume showroom and the odours are too strong for his super sensitive nostrils. Confused and overwhelmed by the smells, DD has to give up the chase.
Days later Franklin Nelson wins the election for District Attorney by a landslide and promises to rid the town of crime. Matt is present at the press conference even though Foggy hasn’t spoken to him since their argument, When asked what will happen with his law practice with Matt Murdock, Foggy says Murdock can do whatever he wants! The press immediately realise there is a rift in Nelson and Murdock’s relationship and pounce on Matt with question. As Matt storms out of the room his only answer is “No comment!”