Other issues:
Kraven strikes Daredevil and Black Widow again, and after leaving Black Widow unconscious, Kraven throws Daredevil from a cliff. During the fall, Daredevil disappears, and appears again inside a maze that leads to a beautiful cave, where he finds Moondragon. She tells him that she had summoned him there thinking that he is a friend of Thanos, her enemy that had destroyed her life two times before. She tells Daredevil about her story and who Thanos is, and then uses her powers to awake The Terrible Trio - Angar the Screamer, Dark Messiah and Ramrod.
In the end, Moondragon reads Daredevil's mind and discovers that he isn't her foe, and that Kerwin Broderick had actually fooled her.
Back on SF, the cops were arresting Kraven when Terrex appears.