Other issues:
Daredevil is on the hunt for the man who crippled Becky Blake.
This issue starts with a mugging in one of New York's scariest neighborhoods. As the three young punks decide to pick on a blind man walking down an alleyway. Turns out these punks have been terrorizing the neighborhood lately. This blind man is of course Matt Murdock on his way to his Hells Kitchen office. Matt decides to try his new billy club on them and quickly takes them down in seconds. Matt leaves the scene unnoticed as DareDevil. It's after midnight and a few blocks away, a couple of reporters in search of a story are attacked. The woman screams. The screams are heard by DD. As DareDevil approaches the scene quickly as possible, a neighbor screams out the window "Down there, It's awful." The screams scares off the attacker. DD would love to follow him but his first responsibility is to the victims. The victims are alive and DD stays with them until an ambulance arrives. Turns out Matt Murdock's client is Melvin Potter aka The Gladiator . Melvin was on his way to meet Matt when he is caught by police and believed to be the suspect in the reporters attack. Lt. Manolis starts asking Melvin questions when Betsy Beatty (Melvin's parole officer) and Matt Murdock (Melvin's lawyer) happen upon the scene warning Melvin not to say anything as he is taken away in cuffs. The next day Matt and Becky Blake visit Melvin in prison. When Becky meets Melvin she gets terrified and faints. Turns out Melvin attacked Becky several years ago in the same M.O. as last nights attacker. Matt gets tough on Becky when he finds out that she never reported the crime to the police. Matt believing that she let him get away with it doesn't back off of Becky. The pressure is too much for Becky and she screams at Matt to leave. The next day in court Matt Murdock is granted a delay in the court case against the Gladiator/Melvin Potter when Matt submits that a fair ,impartial jury can't be found until the new accusation is dispatched. Melvin is upset with his current predicament but his parole officer Betsy asks him for his trust. Matt looks for a lead in the new accusation as Daredevil with no luck. Matt even looks for help in Foggy as he heads to Foggy's place. There, Matt talks to Foggy's wife Debbie asking her "Where can he be found?" . At that moment Foggy busts into the room demanding for Matt to leave his wife alone and to get out .Matt offers Foggy his help only to be told to get out once more. Matt leaves only to hear a nearby tv announcing that there was a jail-break by the Gladiator. Matt heads for the Dibney Museum of Human History where he finds Melvin breaking into the Gladiator exhibition. Melvin feels this is what he needs to do because he feels framed and powerless. Matt talks him out of donning the Gladiator costume. Meanwhile the true attacker pays a visit to Melvin's parole officer Betsy. As the attacker breaks in Betsy's apartment she screams. Betsy puts up a pretty good fight and the attacker escapes thru the window as awakened neighbors come to Betsy's aid.The attacker heads to find his friend Sly at The Pit. He tells Sly things are getting hot,because of noisy neighbors. DareDevil finds the attacker there and after being threatened lifts the attacker otherwise known as Mikey into the air. Mikey's friends come to his aid. DD is soon overtaken and driven to the floor. The gang soon make DD a victim just like Becky but DD won't have it as he summons the strength to overtake the assailants. DD takes them out along with unmasking the attacker only to find this man Michael Reese is a dead ringer for Melvin Potter. Reese is arrested. Matt Murdock asks Becky to report the crime against her and press charges against her attacker, he believes it to be Micheel Reese.