Shinpachi’s List of Things I Learned During My Summer Vacation
- Never trust a guy in a turtle suit!
- Sometimes the age to wisdom ratio isn’t what it should be.
- If you want to see how a woman will age, look at her mother.
- Whack-a-Mole is awesome.
- Parents still don’t understand.
Chapter Titles
- Lesson 176. "Age Brings Wisdom"
- Lesson 177. "Going Strong Despite Your Age"
- Lesson 178. "When the Kids' Summer Vacation Begins, Adults Get Excited Too"
- Lesson 179. "Beauty Is like a Summer Fruit"
- Lesson 180. "Go Straight Even If You're Bent with Age"
- Lesson 181. "A Man Should Drink Sake Alone While Gazing at the Moon"
- Lesson 182. "Flowers on Dead Wood"
- Lesson 183. "She's Happiest When She's Working"
- Lesson 184. "Children Don't Know How Their Parents Feel"