Moon Knight

Red Sins

Issue: #37

Cover date: 1984-05-04

Store date: 1984-01-31


At long last…the secret history of Marc Spector’s father! Plus, a reveal at the end of this issue that will leave you gob smacked!

Marc Spector's dying father repeatedly asks for his son, while his student, Rabbi Davis watches on. Meanwhile, Marlene is practising her acrobatics before finding Marc in a dark room, watching movies of the past he'd rather forget. Just then, he gets a call saying his father is dying. Instead of leaving for the hospital, Marc escapes into his Moon Knight persona, but not before giving Marlene an exposition on who his father was and how Marc turned his back on his ways. Cruising the city with Frenchie, they see a Synagogue burning. Moon Knight enters to save those inside while Frenchie tails the arsonists. Moon Knight then busts in on their hideout and doesn't hold back. Detective Flint's arrival is the only reason he stops. The next morning, Marc and Marlene fly to Chicago, but are too late, arriving just in time for his father's funeral. That night, Marc wants to visit the grave, but runs into a gang of vandals. After taking care of them, they discover that... his father's coffin has been exhumed.


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