Moon Knight

Second Wind

Issue: #35

Cover date: 1984-01-03

Store date: 1983-10-04


Following last issue’s devastation, Moon Knight is at a crossroads on whether or not to continue his vigilante career. Guest-starring the X-Men and FF!

Moon Knight is on patrol when he finds The Fly breaking into a penthouse apartment. He confronts him, but it caught off guard by The Fly's powers, and is sent crashing into a wall. The Fly escapes and Frenchie comes down to help Marc, only to learn that he can't stand. He is taken to a hospital where the Doctor says that, "Steven Grant may never walk again." Meanwhile, in Paris, a young Russian ballerina is being chased through the streets by a woman, Bora, who can conjure the Arctic winds. The girl is thrown high into the air. Back in Long Island, Marlene is helping Marc with his physical therapy. As they finish, they are visited by Gena and Crawley. Later, Marc and Marlene are visiting a ballet company "Steven" has sponsored. As the lead dancer is showing them a sample of what he can do, Bora shows up and kills him, all the while Marc is powerless to do anything. Back at the mansion, Marc is on the roof with Frenchie, Marlene, and Samuels, and shocks them all when he manages to get to his feet. Moon Knight then visits Charles Xavier to ask for information about Bora. Later, at the ballet's opening, Charles is there with Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, and Kitty Pryde as "unofficial" backup for Moon Knight, unaware that the Fantastic Four have been invited as the official backup. As expected, Bora shows up and Moon Knight faces her while the X-Men and Fantastic Four take care of the crowd. Bora proves to be powerful, but Moon Knight manages to take her down with a distraction from Nightcrawler.


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