To Be or Not to Be... Spider-Man!
Issue: #3
Cover date: 2011-12-01
Store date: 2011-10-12
Other issues:
Ganke goes to see Miles at night Miles displays his powers by going onto the ceiling. Then Miles and Ganke go to Miles`s Uncle`s house only to find hes not there. While Ganke and Miles are walking home they see a burning building Miles goes to save woman that is in the building she refuses to let her touch her she then falls out the building but landing safely. Miles then rescues a young child from the same building. Miles then trows up in a ally. The next day Miles and Ganke are at the Brooklyn Visions Academy they share a room and they get a new roommate whose name is Judge Miles has a dream that night that Electro came to kill him getting woken up to go meet in the gym to find out that spider man has been shot