
Issue #5

Issue: #5

Cover date: 2003-06-01

Store date: 2003-07-23


Mark is doing his homework in his room when the phone rings - it's his father, Omni-Man. He needs help with a mission; a "major baddie" coming to Earth and it is Mark's job to keep him from coming into the atmosphere. That leaves one question for Mark, how is he going to be able to breathe in space? It shouldn't be a problem. Omni-Man can hold his breath for two weeks, so Invincible should be OK for a couple of hours.

Invincible heads into space but does can't see anyone at all. Then, out nowhere, Invincible is punched in the back. It's some alien Invincible has never met before. The two duel it out until Mark asks for a time out and a chat. Strangely, the alien allows it. Seems that the alien's name is Allen and that he's a member of the Coalition of Planets. Allen's job is to go around to assigned planets and make sure the superheroes assigned to protect them are doing their job. As they keep (telepathically) talking, Allen realises he's made a big mistake. He was supposed to go to Urath, not Earth!

Mark heads home to have dinner with his family. Warn-out and ready to go to bed he enters his room only to remember he never finished his homework. Oh well, back to his grind.


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