The Straw Hats find themselves caught in the Florian Triangle when the mysterious island "Thriller Bark" suddenly appears. Gecko Moria, one of the Seven Warlords, and his zombie army are also on the island, and they're preparing for a Night Hunt! Can the Straw Hat crew survive this fearsome evening?
Chapter Titles
- Chapter 450: Night of the Zombie Generals
- Chapter 451: Perona's Wonder Garden
- Chapter 452: Jigoro of the Wind
- Chapter 453: Cloudy, Partly Bony
- Chapter 454: The Humming Swordsman
- Chapter 455: Gecko Moria of the Seven Warlords of the Sea
- Chapter 456: Demon from the Land of Ice
- Chapter 457: Meat!!!
- Chapter 458: Anything but My Afro
- Chapter 459: I Can't Just Die Hoping to be Forgiven
Other issues: