It’s eat or be eaten...literally!
Laios nears the bottom of the dungeon and his inevitable confrontation with Sissel, the lunatic lord of its labyrinthine halls. In a succubus-induced slumber, Laios comes face-to-face with the winged lion, the source of Sissel’s power. Laios knows only that the lion is held captive by Sissel in the dungeon’s depths, but it could be the Canaries know a great deal more…With their centuries of experience, the elves’ knowledge could shed some light on the truth of the dungeon and its master—or prove to be Laios’s undoing…!
- Chapter 57: Stewed Head
- Chapter 58: Succubus -1-
- Chapter 59: Succubus -2-
- Chapter 60: The Winged Lion
- Chapter 61: Roasted Walking Mushroom
- Chapter 62: Six Days
- Bonus: Miscellaneous Monster Tales -9-
Note: The digital edition (1/19/2021) for this volume was released before the print edition.