After an emotional reunion with Caiman, Nikaido receives a cryptic hint from a mysterious Devil on how to escape from deep within the Central Department Store. Meanwhile, with the En family spread about a bleak landscape, Fulita, Chota and Turkey must attempt to get the situation back on their terms. And now, in the shadow of a Devil vs. Devil battle, no one can catch the boss as he drags his secretive tube, while the Central Department Store is becoming more and more confusing. Who will be left standing at the end?
Chapter Titles
- Spell 118: Reunion
- Spell 119: Evil Day Trip
- Spell 120: Biological Renovation
- Spell 121: Haru's Gym Class
- Spell 122: Pit of the Stomach
- Spell 123: Rolling Heads
- Spell 124: Evil's Tail
- Spell 125: Rare Body Parts
- Spell 126: Free Play
- Spell 127: Return of the Cycle of Life
- Extra Evil